Drawing on a vintage postcard #sketch #brushpen #vintage
Drawing on hand-antiqued paper... to go with the vintage feel. It smells like coffee! #antique #vintage #drawing #minidrawing #sailorsuit #vintagekids #vintagekidsclothes

Chair Time Lapse- antiques #watercolor #antique #europeanantiques #frenchantiques
A little bit of a #castle
Announcing my new website!!! Tons of new work and all of it for sale! Affordable art from $50. Also I am creating a lot of custom items which you will see in the shop- portraits of your home! Link in bio...

Inspired by Victorian vignettes used for scrapbooking. One time I’m going to show you my antique scrapbook assembled by a child. #sketch #timelapse #timelapsedrawing #timelapsedrawings #sketchbook #moleskinejournal
More bonnet bliss
Bonnets were AMAZING! Let’s revive the style! A bonnet with jeans and a white tee shirt sounds like it could be a winner- ladies are you with me? #bonnet #victorianstyle #victorian #victorianfashion #drawing #sketchbook #sketchbookdrawings

This is becoming one of my favorite nightly rituals🌈 #antiques #Italianfurniture #antiquefurniture #watercolor #processpainting
Equality is not a fad! Let’s keep fighting for it, the new normal! #blacklivesmatter #equality #justice #leadbyexample #love #nonpartisan